Pray to God

Shmot [Exodus] 23:25

Pray to God.

This is not the same thing as worship, which is defined in Hebrew as a variation of service, admiration, or adoration.

לסְגוֹד לַעֲבוֹד קוֹדֶשׁ לְהַעֲרִיץ לַעֲבוֹד

To adore To worship

To admire To serve

The Hebrew verb to pray is nourished by two complementary verbal roots…

תפל פלל
To fall | To overthrow |

To defeat | To plead

Liturgical poetry (piyutim) use all these words — but liturgical poetry triggers the imagination, and the imagination is intangible.

Worship, in our context, is the opposite of imagination.

The few acts of veneration we have, such as touching the Torah’s cover, or touching or talit to the Torah when saying the brachot, are socially acceptable and entirely optional.

Reb Arie

A chaplain, spiritual director, and educator, Arié Chark (“Reb Arie”) is Rector at The Metivta of Ottawa. A strong sense of personal mission has led Reb Arie to convene various civil society projects under the auspices of The Metivta of Ottawa, including the Ottawa Roundtable and the Abrahamic Chaplaincy Board.